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Current Students

Registration for Current Students

Keep Transforming Your Tomorrow

Curriculum Class Schedules

Registration is done online — play this video to learn how to use MyService™.

First, everyone at College of The Albemarle (COA) would like to congratulate you for your extraordinary efforts to continue with your studies in light of the changes we’ve had to make in response to the Covid-19 virus. This situation has changed how you access your classes and other COA resources, and we continue to be impressed by your ingenuity and ability to adapt.

While we all continue to focus on staying safe, it’s time to take the next step in your educational journey — registering for the fall 2022 semester.

How to Register

If you’ve earned less than 24 credit hours (not counting developmental courses), you must contact your advisor to set up a virtual advising/registration session.

Prior to that session, please visit MyService to select your classes and build your academic plan.

Not sure who your advisor is? Log into MyService to check.

If you’ve earned 24 credits or more (not counting developmental courses), you can self-register in MyService. As always, students who can self-register are encouraged to contact their advisor to set up a virtual advising session.

If you’re an Early College or Career and College Promise (dual-enrolled high school) student, you cannot self-register. Please work with your high school counselor or contact your COA Liaison/Advisor listed in MyService. Prior to contacting your COA Liaison/Advisor, log into MyService to select your classes and build your academic plan. Play this video for more information on MyService.

Not sure who your advisor is? Log into MyService to find out.


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